Coming up with my column for August 2016 was a difficult labour of love.
As we’re tested by some of the most complex challenges in history, the risk of becoming fragmented as a nation is more real than ever. Yet in these challenging times, I’m seeing more and more Malaysians coming together in solidarity.
I was having dinner at Charlie’s Cafe in Kuala Lumpur, my usual hangout, when the cafe owner Sonny, shouting from the kitchen, pointed excitedly to two surprised-looking girls at the next table: “You must meet them!”
Within five minutes, I was engrossed in an animated conversation with Faye and Rachel, founders of social enterprise The Rojak Projek. You would get excited too, once you hear how cool their mission is: they want to inspire Malaysian unity by creating beautiful portraits from traditional foods that remind us of our colourful heritage and cultural diversity.
Our conversation got me thinking about what makes Malaysia so awesome.
Follow the link below to the Star article for the eight reasons I think Malaysia is awesome – and I am sure you can think of more.
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